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Gut Health

Our little ones…

OUR LITTLE ONES… We all want what’s best for our kiddies, because a healthy kiddie (especially when they are young) is a happy kiddie. To give our children the greatest start in life, it is crucial we ensure they are getting everything they need from their diet so they can absorb the nutrients they need ... Read More

Gut Health

Illness prevention

Have you ever wondered why some ILLNESSES affect some people more than others? The simple answer is, it’s all to do with the immune system. Children, the elderly and those with suppressed immune systems are most susceptible whilst those with a healthy immune system tend not to be affected. Most illnesses produce relatively mild, cold ... Read More

Gut Health

What do you think about detox?

For many people it can be very confusing and in some instances conjures up all sorts of negative images and perceptions.  OK… Let’s see what it really means. Given you are reading this you may have a keen interest in health and believe in the old saying – ‘prevention is better than cure’ (it’s easier ... Read More

Gut Health

Whatever you do – do not set a new year resolution!

Make 2020 different. Yep, you’ve probably heard this all before and tried many different times to get to your New Year Resolution however you are reading this for a reason. We can learn so much from the past – it is our best teacher if you are aware that every situation is an opportunity to ... Read More

Gut Health

Looking for better skin

Looking for better skin? It’s a few weeks until a new year, and the perfect time to embrace some great healthy habits. Make the commitment and reap the rewards of looking & feeling better and energetic in 2020 and beyond! In LTLA, we get results. We help people get to their health goals quickly and ... Read More

Gut Health

The best way to reduce the stress of daily life

….and breeeeeeathe What if creating a deliberate pattern of breathing could make your body feel and operate a certain way? Every day we unconsciously supply oxygen to our body through our breath but very few of us are aware of our breath or practice intentional breathing to unlock the true potential of our health. The ... Read More

It's time to make
a change

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