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YOUR MENTOR | Ave Ramsay

Hello & thank you for visiting my page

I am a mother, I run my own business, LTLA Trained Mentor and I’m also probably one of the hardest-working people you know.

I didn’t know how complex it was to be a Mum. Juggling all the things; the mental load, the exhaustion, lack of sleep, the out-of-control emotions with all the responsibilities on my shoulders, and on top of all that, I wasn’t happy about my weight.

Because nothing had worked in the past, I didn’t see that anything could help me lose my excess weight. Everything was too hard, too restrictive, too expensive. I’d tried so hard in the past, but I felt like a failure.

I looked at my beautiful children and thought, how can I do this? I had too much life and adventure to live with my kids. I wanted to be in the trees & exploring the world with my children. I knew I needed to change something.

A good friend of mine invited me to check out LTLA. So, I dug a little deeper. After joining the LTLA Facebook Group, I realized that many people shared a similar story to mine. They were experiencing amazing results and were excited about the changes to their health.

That’s when I discovered LTLA programs and my life was transformed in such a short time. I was fully committed, no excuses!!  I had such incredible support from my mentor. With clean eating and flooding my depleted system with all the vitamins and minerals my body had been calling for. I learned those missing key pieces in my nutrition by focusing on gut health & weight loss, and later collagen loading. It was incredible!

Within days, I already slept better and woke up feeling fresh, more energy that lasted all-day, and I couldn’t believe how fast my weight dropped. My skin was getting its glow back, I felt so much lighter mentally and physically, and I felt a more positive person and a better mom.

Finally, I had chosen to do something for myself and my confidence levels were definitely on the rise.

After commencing the LTLA, I succeeded in changing the way my body worked. I can now go out and enjoy a meal. I know what foods my body does not like. I no longer crave sugar or excessive carbs, which has been my biggest hurdle to overcome.                                                    

Now I know that I’m not the only mum or dad who struggles with these challenges and if it was hard for me to navigate as a busy parent, then I know how incredibly overwhelming it must be for anyone while managing kids, work & life! Most parents can relate.

How do I know?….because that was me!

I’ve learned so much about food, what works for my body, and how simple, clean food and nutrition make me feel. Now I just love to share that knowledge to help others, which has led me to become an LTLA Trained Mentor. I’m committed to helping busy mums and dads move past the overwhelming, and love living in their skin.

Let me show you how the LTLA systems will change your life and how I will support you & keep you accountable with family-friendly solutions to accelerate your success, and how, together, we will transform your life forever.

Let’s get you feeling amazing again to live your best life.

Make the change – contact me today!

Which program is right for you?

Weight Loss

Lose weight quickly & permanently. We have the missing link to sustainable weight loss.

A quick, easy to follow, affordable program, with no exercise, just movement where you eat normal everyday food.

Gut Repair

Repair your gut & retrain your body to function normally again giving you increased energy & vitality. 

Also, eliminate reflux, digestive issues, bloating, skin problems, fatigue, poor moods, achy joints, food allergies, headaches etc.

LBS Plus Exercise

If you love to exercise but need to lose weight, get fit & build muscle, this program is for you.

Get your very own on-line Personal Trainer, lose weight, repair your gut & body sculpt permanently with this holistic exercise program.

Collagen Loading

Collagen is essential for a long healthy life and most people don’t have enough of it.

Reduce joint inflammation and nourish your skin. Increase energy, lean muscle mass, & repair your gut forever.

Ready to feel in control of your life again?

Get your free 6 step guide to ‘get control in your life’ and we will add you to the LTLA facebook group where you’ll have access to more free information and see how we have helped thousands of others transform their lives.

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