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Your Mentor | DANA McHUGH

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Once upon a time, I struggled with a number of health issues that seemed to be interconnected. Hormonal imbalances, irritable bowel syndrome  (IBS), leaky gut, and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) were just a few of the challenges I faced. I was constantly focused on trying to figure out which foods were irritating my system and contributing to my symptoms. Despite my best efforts, I struggled with weight gain and felt like I was never able to get a handle on my health.

I tried everything I could think of to find relief, but nothing seemed to work. I felt like I was stuck in a cycle of discomfort and frustration. Not to mention after each pregnancy and duration of breastfeeding i kept going backwards. That was until I started to listen to my gut. I hit a wall and forced myself to take things seriously and realized that cutting out grains, dairy, and sugar was a big step in the right direction. I’ve been told this repeatedly but was never disciplined enough to follow through. I also began detoxing my diet through the use of supplements and focusing on eating wholesome, nutrient-dense foods.

The process of overcoming my health issues wasn’t easy, but it was worth it. Due to the hormonal imbalances and PCOS, it has been a slow process, but over time I started to notice a difference. I had more energy, my digestion improved, and I finally started to see progress with my weight and my PCOS systems reduced. It was a long and difficult journey, but I was so grateful for the progress I made and the relief I finally found.

Today, I feel fantastic. I am so grateful for the lessons I learned and the journey I took to get to this place. I am now passionate about helping others who may be struggling with similar health issues. I want to show others that with perseverance and a little bit of patience, it is possible to overcome even the toughest health challenges.

I’ve learned so much about food, what works for my body, and how simple, clean food and nutrition make me feel. Now I just love to share that knowledge to help others.

Not only did I turn my health around, but I also found my passion & purpose, which has led me to become an LTLA Trained Mentor. I now teach others how to quickly & safely lose weight, regain their health and live happier, more fulfilled lives.

Let me help you achieve what I have achieved. I can show you how to get more out of life. Whether that be weight loss with or without exercise, gut repair, or just increasing your energy levels, mental clarity & confidence.

No matter what your goals are, I will give you all the resources including our incredible support group with our Program Formulators, access to our Chefs in our Recipe Group, meal plans, food lists, reading material, videos, and all the inspiration you will ever need & much more!

If you want to be healthy and change your life for good I have the answer.

Which program is right for you?

Weight Loss

Lose weight quickly & permanently. We have the missing link to sustainable weight loss.

A quick, easy to follow, affordable program, with no exercise, just movement where you eat normal everyday food.

Gut Repair

Repair your gut & retrain your body to function normally again giving you increased energy & vitality. 

Also, eliminate reflux, digestive issues, bloating, skin problems, fatigue, poor moods, achy joints, food allergies, headaches etc.

LBS Plus Exercise

If you love to exercise but need to lose weight, get fit & build muscle, this program is for you.

Get your very own on-line Personal Trainer, lose weight, repair your gut & body sculpt permanently with this holistic exercise program.

Collagen Loading

Collagen is essential for a long healthy life and most people don’t have enough of it.

Reduce joint inflammation and nourish your skin. Increase energy, lean muscle mass, & repair your gut forever.

Ready to feel in control of your life again?

Get your free 6 step guide to ‘get control in your life’ and we will add you to the LTLA facebook group where you’ll have access to more free information and see how we have helped thousands of others transform their lives.

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