
You are here from: Daniel Lowe

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Your Mentor | daniel lowe

Hello & thank you for visiting my page

My introduction into LTLA was at an incredibly timely stage in my life. I am a father of 3 awesome children and a husband of such an incredibly wonderful wife.

In 2015, whilst arguably at my healthiest, (or so I thought), I suffered a cardiac arrest, I was 35. Luckily for me, the support I received on that day was exemplary and I am here to continue my life journey with some very important people in it.

Like many, my weight & general health journey had fluctuated at best. I’d struggled to find a lifestyle balance that worked for me. I knew that I needed to better educate myself on what sustainable health and wellbeing looked like and how I could make these changes personally to find the lifestyle balance I was looking for.

When hearing about LTLA initially, I was a bit apprehensive, not knowing if this would work. I had already tried so many “things” before and not knowing what my end goal looked like I was worried it wouldn’t work. I already went to the gym 5 days a week, surely that was me being fit and healthy?

Despite these initial thoughts, I am so grateful that I made the decision to try LTLA and with the guidance from my mentors, I experienced the most incredible, realistic and sustainable transformation that has truly shaped the rest of my life.

I’ve learnt so much about food, what works for my body and how simple, clean food and nutrition makes me feel. Now I just love to share this knowledge to help others.

It is particularly important to me that I make a difference to somebody’s life each day.

Not only did I turn my health around, but I also found my passion & purpose, which has led me to become a LTLA Trained Mentor. I now teach others how to quickly & safely lose weight, regain their health and live happier, more fulfilled lives.

No matter what your goals, I’ll provide all the resources and support you will need with our access to our community groups, LTLA chefs in our recipe group, meal plans, food list, reading material, videos and with all the inspiration you will ever need and of course I am with you all the way supporting you!

Which program is right for you?

Weight Loss

Lose weight quickly & permanently. We have the missing link to sustainable weight loss.

A quick, easy to follow, affordable program, with no exercise, just movement where you eat normal everyday food.

Gut Repair

Repair your gut & retrain your body to function normally again giving you increased energy & vitality. 

Also, eliminate reflux, digestive issues, bloating, skin problems, fatigue, poor moods, achy joints, food allergies, headaches etc.

LBS Plus Exercise

If you love to exercise but need to lose weight, get fit & build muscle, this program is for you.

Get your very own on-line Personal Trainer, lose weight, repair your gut & body sculpt permanently with this holistic exercise program.

Collagen Loading

Collagen is essential for a long healthy life and most people don’t have enough of it.

Reduce joint inflammation and nourish your skin. Increase energy, lean muscle mass, & repair your gut forever.

Ready to feel in control of your life again?

Get your free 6 step guide to ‘get control in your life’ and we will add you to the LTLA facebook group where you’ll have access to more free information and see how we have helped thousands of others transform their lives.

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It's time to make
a change

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