
You are here from: Erica George

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Hello & thank you for visiting my page

I am a mum of 3, a wife, a daughter, a primary school teacher, a performer, and an LTLA health and wellness mentor. Life is fun when you mix it up!

When I had kids, my priorities changed, well, everything changed! Most parents can relate. I now love having the flexibility to be there for my own kids and family when I need to be. I don’t want to miss out on all the moments or be too busy to appreciate them. Being an LTLA mentor is such a great mixture of the above roles. Inspiring and encouraging others to be their best selves requires a little bit of mum, a little bit of teacher, and a little bit of performer!

My health education began at a very young age. I grew up in a household that valued healthy eating as a number one priority. So, in many ways, it is very much second nature to me. My Dad became very ill at the age of 19 and was told he’d be in a wheelchair by the time he was 30. He made changes to his diet and lifestyle, and proved the experts wrong! Dad is now a fit, very healthy 70-year-old, and very much still on his feet. He is my proof that being careful about what you put in your body is of absolute importance.

Enter adulthood and motherhood, and I am by no means perfect in all I consume. Society certainly does not make it easy for us! Our family rule is let’s get it right, most of the time and choose the healthier option, when possible. Getting your daily habits right allows you to stumble occasionally, without huge repercussions.

Whilst rediscovering myself, post-kids, I felt I needed something extra to combat the years of sleepless nights and breastfeeding, the mental overload and the daily chaos of life as a family of 5. Remember, at this point, I’m a busy, exhausted mother who is craving some self-love and care, but I won’t just jump on the latest trend or fad.

It took a few months but eventually, I found the LTLA Collagen Loading Program and the amazing LTLA community. All my boxes were ticked.

  • Quality, clean products
  • Evidence of great results
  • I could do the program around my family priorities
  • I felt extremely supported

Within weeks, I noticed positive changes. I had more energy, my skin was getting its glow back, I had less stomach bloat, my baby weight was dropping off and I was just feeling amazing overall! I had chosen to do something for myself and my confidence levels were definitely on the rise. These feelings were a fantastic motivation for me to build on my early results with another favourite LTLA program, the Lean Body System. Some easy food swaps, outstanding products, incorporating more movement, when I could, and before I knew it, I was well on my way to reaching some goals!

Feeling and looking great can be a normal thing. We have been conditioned to believe that with age comes illness and failing bodies, and we should just accept that. I’m here to tell you, this does not have to be your story.

Let’s get you feeling amazing again to live your best life, for many years to come!

We owe it to ourselves and our families, right?

Which program is right for you?

Weight Loss

Lose weight quickly & permanently. We have the missing link to sustainable weight loss.

A quick, easy to follow, affordable program, with no exercise, just movement where you eat normal everyday food.

Gut Repair

Repair your gut & retrain your body to function normally again giving you increased energy & vitality. 

Also, eliminate reflux, digestive issues, bloating, skin problems, fatigue, poor moods, achy joints, food allergies, headaches etc.

LBS Plus Exercise

If you love to exercise but need to lose weight, get fit & build muscle, this program is for you.

Get your very own on-line Personal Trainer, lose weight, repair your gut & body sculpt permanently with this holistic exercise program.

Collagen Loading

Collagen is essential for a long healthy life and most people don’t have enough of it.

Reduce joint inflammation and nourish your skin. Increase energy, lean muscle mass, & repair your gut forever.

Ready to feel in control of your life again?

Get your free 6 step guide to ‘get control in your life’ and we will add you to the LTLA facebook group where you’ll have access to more free information and see how we have helped thousands of others transform their lives.

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